Saturday, August 29, 2009

Black Feminist Writing A Self-Declaration of Existence

Yesterday I wrote a note to myself while reading over my completed thesis. The note reads as follows: "My ability to write is connected to my ability to be free from the opinions of others. Once I do things to satisfy me, I can then begin to write freely and satisfactorily in a manner that will one day free others." I mean look at the last time I posted anything on this blog, it has been exactly three months! But, I claim I love to write? Well, I do, but something has been holding me back. Something has made me fearful. Something has caused me to feel as if I were lying to myself or that somehow what I wrote was inauthentic. A week ago I was called a "fake feminist" by a person very dear to me, and while I beg to differ, I also know that I often fail to live the life I portray. I mean, how can I when I am running away from my discontents? So, I am courageously re-declaring myself FEMINIST! Not for the worlds validation, but for my own.
Now, back to the issue at hand. I HAVE FINISHED MY THESIS! I have written a body of work that can perhaps one day be published, that will one day inspire another young Black girl, female to elaborate and know that she can do it too! I have written myself into existence, I mean I was already living, but now I exist as a Black, feminist, LGBT advocate, activist, WOMYN, speaking because no one bothered to speak to me!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I don't know how I remember this, but one time in ESP you and I got to talking about "college", and about how you have to basically write a book to get a PhD - LOL.

I remember you saying back in like 8th grade, "I'm going to start writing mine NOW!" You were always so ambitious. Look @ you now: THESIS DONE! [checkmark]
Good Goin' Nicole!
Congratulations :o)

See...I Smile Sometimes!

See...I Smile Sometimes!